Sunday, 8 February 2009

So it started to snow...

Yes, I realise my blogs all being with 'So' followed by something of vague relevance to the blog. And yes, I am trying to stop. But, it's hard.

So yes, it has started to snow here, and, quite surprisingly, it is settling. I write this with the curtains shut in the living room, so as I'm writing this, the snow will have turned to rain, and the snow will be disappearing.

As I write this, I'm watching 'Come Dine With Me' and watching some man buying a live lobster to make Lobster Thermidor, which, as I've just realised means hot (thermidor not lobster). This poor woman just asked "what are suzettes?" in regards to Crepes Suzettes, which I'm assuming means sugary crepes, as well as their style of cooking. This programme has aged me greatly.

Today, I cleaned the living room. God it was fun. If you didn't know, I'm quite the clean freak, so it was nice and relaxing. (Apparently the Thermidor thing is from when Napoleon first ate lobster - in the French Revolutionary month of Thermidor (so called because it's hot in the summer)). I also hoovered, and washed up - always exciting.

I'm still at a loss as to what to do since I handed in my courseworks, that no doubt I'll be lucky if I get back before Easter. But, we shall see. I shall start reading 'New Moon' soon - the follow-up to 'Twilight' . Failing that I shall do extra reading about French Linguistics, which I'm looking forward to (don't judge my geekiness). More blogging no doubt later on...

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