Monday, 2 March 2009

Silence, Grumbledook!

So recently I have begun to watch Blackadder, again, from the start. There is something about the first series that just wasn't as funny. Don't get me wrong, it is incredibly funny, but it's not as funny as the other ones. I'm unsure why though. I watched an episode last night where he has to marry the Spanish Infanta, who was just Miriam Margoyles, and, in true language geek fashion, I was listening along to the Spanish, which, surprisingly, was accurate. I approved and drank my Ribena contentedly.

Today, I shall revise, for tomorrow is the day of judgement. I have a grammar test at 9am, on various key grammatical points I could never, EVER, understand, so will have to relearn them today, and furthermore, a les onze, I have my French 'group presentation/discussion'. I'm not especially scared of it, I'm just scared of my lack of knowledge of French idioms. Naturally I am more scared about the former, and shall spend a good deal of my day in the library revising. When I say revising, I mean without a computer. God I'm hardcore.

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