Well, today I returned home. This is as I have the dentist tomorrow. Naturally, this is the lesser of two evils. If I wasn't going to the dentist, I would have to endure another hour of Zaddy and her precious epic. I am not looking forward to having to have two fillings though. I realised I'm gonna need injections to numb me gums :(
However, on the train back, I listened to the Rocky Horror soundtrack, and naturally had to once again fight the urge to Time Warp on the train. I also found myself wondering 'Where does water come from?'. Not in the sense of 'the sea', but I mean drinking water. Do they have huge buckets collecting rain? Or a filter over rivers? I also found myself wondering 'What were sheep like before we domesticated them?' I mean, were they just roaming around hunting small rabbits? Were they a threat to humans? I feel I should wikipedia this.
When I finally arrived back to Wakefield, the words 'The Gods of fate have once again pissed in my direction.' crossed my mind. I managed to get the Free City Bus from the train station to the bus station. So did three annoying chavs. There is something about swearing in public that is just vulgar. The chavs then proceded to get on the same bus as me to home. Thankfully they got off. What else mad me chuckle was back in Lancaster, apart from the orange fire engines, at bus stops they have directions for people on how to catch a bus. This explains why so many people struggle to hail a bus. However, the same can be said of Yorkshire, with its lack of instructions. So many people just stand there looking grumpy because the bus just drove past them...
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Would you kiss a pig?

Well. Another thing we can't eat, or infact go near. Pigs. SARS meant we couldn't go near Asia. Bird Flu had us all afraid of coughing swans in Scotland. And now pigs. Me and Naomi were discussing what this all means. We deduced that pigs are probably one of the better animals to kiss. I'm unsure how we arrived at that conclusion, but we discredited many other animals before coming to this conclusion. You'll be pleased to know that the 'Taddies' received a proper burial. So I'm told anyway. It was a rainy funeral, with umbrellas and dressing gowns worn by those who attended. It was a solemn day, but now they are at peace. *sobs*.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Terratrèmol! Terremoto! Tremblement de terre! Earthquake! Erdbeben!

Well, today has certainly been eventful. I was sat in the library, still in shock at the terrible, TERRIBLE, French speaking topic options, when all of a sudden I heard a noise, followed by a slight shake of the building. Instinct told me 'Oh. Someone has probably fallen off their chair upstairs.' This was not true. Shortly afterwards, various people's facebook status' (statii?) were mentioning an earthquake. Various responses included: "I thought it was upstairs slamming a door." "I thought it was upstairs, falling down." "I thought it was that cock behind me knocking my chair. Again."
Les têtards sont morts. Vivent les têtards.
For those not in the know, a têtard is a tadpole in French. Naomi brought back some tadpoles, and they have been happily swimming around in their fishbowl for nearly a fortnight now. Well, they had been. This morning I entered the lounge to find an empty, but slightly cloudy bowl. It seems they just weren't ready for the meat that had been dangling in there previously. The empty bowl was in fact full of the tadpoles. They had just sank. It was like a tadpole massacre.
In other news, I am now searching for French stereotypes. It is fun :D
In other news, I am now searching for French stereotypes. It is fun :D
Why do you hate us so, DELC?
Why do you hate us so, DELC?
Well, I was going to blogg about how I saw two policecars and a policevan whizz by my bus stop this morning, only to end up at what looked like a robbing in Scotforth. It looked quite dull.
This was until I opened the LUVLE (Lancaster University Virtual Learning Environment, maybe), and discovered the topics for our French oral 'assignment' (It's a coursework, not an exam... apparently. Despite it being a one-on-one with the EVIL lectrice, in her office). Seriously, I actually think they want us to fail. It was like opening an exam to learn that everything that you bothered to revise, is useless, as none of the questions are on that topic. Below are the questions. Perhaps with translations:
1. Qu’est-ce qu’un Français ? (What is a French?)
2. L’enseignement ne dure que quelques années ; l’éducation ne
finit jamais. (Teaching only lasts a few years; education never ends.)
3. La crise financière a été un appel à la réalité. (The financial crisis was a call to/from reality. - Allo? Réalité?- )
4. Le régime n’est pas une question de santé, c’est une question de mode. (Diets aren't a question of health, they're a question of style.)
5. La valeur d’un footballeur ou d’une chanteuse contre celle d’un médecin ou d’un enseignant? (The value of a footballer or a singer against that of a doctor or teacher? -That's not even a question. Stupid DELC.)
6. La religion : origine des malheurs du monde. (Religion: origin of bad times in the World)
7. « Il ne vaut plus la peine d’aller au théâtre, au cinéma ou à un
concert. On peut bien rester chez soi avec ses DVDs et CDs » (It's not worth going to the theatre, cinema or a concert. You can stay at home with your DVDs and CDs)
8. Tout est pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes possibles. (Mystery Question.)
So, now you know, just how harsh DELC are. I'm drawn to number 7 and number 1. But I'm being marked by a French, so maybe she will mark me down if I don't get it right.
My revision will now be sidetracked while I prepare for Frog.
Monday, 27 April 2009
No pengi, sisplau.
For all you non-Catalanophones (or perhaps Catalaphones), that means 'Don't hang up, please.' [Pronounced No pen-gee, sizplough]. We learnt Catalan phone etiquette today. Do not answer with 'Rebecca McGeoghan'. Or the name of a company, unless it actually is the company.
I also endured a 'Zaddy' seminar. If I had been blogging before Christmas, the blogg would have mostly consisted of her quotes, and gripes about her, and her silly, silly, silly module. I expected her to run right up until the hour, instead of the usual finishing 10 minutes to, but she surpassed herself, and went on until 1.30. In the end I apparently slammed down my pen and said, rather loudly, "I need to go, Zaddy!". It was stroppy, or so I'm told. I had really had enough. What's important is that it saved us all from any more of that miserable old wench. I just wanted my essay back. And got none of it. We have to go see her, and endure a one-on-one, in HALF HOUR slots. I mean, how bad were our essays, that they merited half-hour slots?!
As if 'Zaddy's Words of Action' during the seminar weren't bad enough. I shall share them with you:
I also endured a 'Zaddy' seminar. If I had been blogging before Christmas, the blogg would have mostly consisted of her quotes, and gripes about her, and her silly, silly, silly module. I expected her to run right up until the hour, instead of the usual finishing 10 minutes to, but she surpassed herself, and went on until 1.30. In the end I apparently slammed down my pen and said, rather loudly, "I need to go, Zaddy!". It was stroppy, or so I'm told. I had really had enough. What's important is that it saved us all from any more of that miserable old wench. I just wanted my essay back. And got none of it. We have to go see her, and endure a one-on-one, in HALF HOUR slots. I mean, how bad were our essays, that they merited half-hour slots?!
As if 'Zaddy's Words of Action' during the seminar weren't bad enough. I shall share them with you:
- Firstly: Read the *whispers* damn *unwhispers* question.
- Make quite sure that you understand exactly what the *whispers* damn *unwhispers* question means. CONTEXT!
- Secondly, (yes, she said secondly thirdly), plan your answer! -This is all advice based on our essay questions. They must have been bad-
- Secondly, (yes, again) know your text before you go into the exam!
- Make sure every point is adequetly documented. -Do we attach articles supporting our argument?-
- 'Ooh. Flood.'
- Oh. Alzheimers'
- 'Splendid Wench'
- Who are you again? Yes, you? Hmmm. You look like the Porter. ARE you the Porter?
- I know you. You're the Heeley.
Okay, so the last five were quotes. But still, the woman is clearly mental. Rant over.
New funny Catalan word. Haig. (pronounced hadge, like Maig, Faig and Vaig).
Sunday, 26 April 2009
That's tough titty, kid!
Well. Since yesterday, I have discovered the awesome power of musicals. Not prancy about ones like Mary Poppins (although that is quite an awesome musical, despite the horrendous 'cockney' accent). I'm talking about Little Shop of Horrors and Rocky Horror. I have both soundtracks on my iPod. Nothing better than doing work to the Time Warp. Although, what is quite disturbing, is how hard it is to resist the urge to Time Warp in the library. Don't lie and say you've never been tempted. But, whatever they offer you, DON'T FEED THE PLANTS!
I am becoming quite sick of all this nice weather now. I will explain this, as I'm not a total grouch. It is because the curtains in my room as so thin, I am awoken at 6am, every morning, by the sunshine outside. This is followed by the next few hours of patchy sleep. It is not good. In the slightest. I am also unsure if my hayfever is back, or I have developped a cold. I have this problem every single year. I have stocked up on hayfever tablets though. So I am prepared. Today, I am unsure if I should take over the world, or do my Spanish Cross Cultural, so I can revise. I think I shall take over the world. Watch out for me!
I am becoming quite sick of all this nice weather now. I will explain this, as I'm not a total grouch. It is because the curtains in my room as so thin, I am awoken at 6am, every morning, by the sunshine outside. This is followed by the next few hours of patchy sleep. It is not good. In the slightest. I am also unsure if my hayfever is back, or I have developped a cold. I have this problem every single year. I have stocked up on hayfever tablets though. So I am prepared. Today, I am unsure if I should take over the world, or do my Spanish Cross Cultural, so I can revise. I think I shall take over the world. Watch out for me!
Saturday, 25 April 2009
My liver hates me.
It felt like it was actually trying to dig its way out last night. It was a new experience. I drank alot of Vodka and coke, only because it was so cheap. I paid the price for drinking them too quick. Oh well. My liver is still in my body, although it's probably dead inside.
Is it just me that has rare moments of bed comfort? I mean, when you manage to get your bed so comfy, and never can get it the same again? This somehow happened to me last night, well technically this morning, and I ended up waking up one the most comfortable array of pillows. Alas, this won't happen tonight, although I will sleep like a log. So all is good.
I haven't done much today. Sleep. Sleep some more. And watched Graham Norton, and Have I Got News For You on BBC iPlayer. I really don't like Frank Skinner, and don't see why they let him present it. But oh well, it provided such classic lines as: "The Home Office is in charge of pornography?!" "It'll be like Zimbabwe" "Sign In and Sod Off" "You looked a bit slimmer after your diet. On the other hand, you were crap." "I take full responsability for what happened, that's why the person who was responsible, when immediately." (A quote by our 'glorious' leader Gordon)
So one can't complain.
Is it just me that has rare moments of bed comfort? I mean, when you manage to get your bed so comfy, and never can get it the same again? This somehow happened to me last night, well technically this morning, and I ended up waking up one the most comfortable array of pillows. Alas, this won't happen tonight, although I will sleep like a log. So all is good.
I haven't done much today. Sleep. Sleep some more. And watched Graham Norton, and Have I Got News For You on BBC iPlayer. I really don't like Frank Skinner, and don't see why they let him present it. But oh well, it provided such classic lines as: "The Home Office is in charge of pornography?!" "It'll be like Zimbabwe" "Sign In and Sod Off" "You looked a bit slimmer after your diet. On the other hand, you were crap." "I take full responsability for what happened, that's why the person who was responsible, when immediately." (A quote by our 'glorious' leader Gordon)
So one can't complain.
Friday, 24 April 2009
I got ID'd!
For films! In HMV! I was most unamused. I felt a great deal of smugness when I presented him with my ID, knowing that I am in fact 2 and a 1/4 years older than their poxy '18' rating. He sheepishly gave me it back. And I smugly paid. Tit.
And now, I blogg.
God, I hate dogs. I can hear the most yappy one ever yapping away somewhere. It won't shut up. I will just turn my music up (Myleene Klass, if you're interested lol), and it will all go away.
I have come to the conclusion that Lancaster is actually (I've just shut the window. And the yapping is gone.) a secret filming set for the new 'Cocoon' film. It must be. There are so many old people. If you don't know what the 'Cocoon' films consisted of, the basic premise was this: Aliens visit earth. Offer to look after old people. They just have to go with the aliens, to a new world. They live for ever, never ageing (maybe). Wrinklies say farewell to loved ones. Fin. If they wanted to make the new film in Lancaster, there would be no shortage of wrinklies. I mean, in Sainsbury's today for example. So many old people. And they were the worst kind of elderly. The slow walking elderly. Who glare at you, when you move their trolley out of the way to get to hayfever tables. They are evil. EVIL.
I also saw who I assumed to be the mayor and the mayoress of Lancaster today. They were in a posh blacked out car with a 3-letter number plate. And the people inside had medallions on, like mayors. So they were either imposters, or actually the mayor and his wife. I'm gonna assume they were the real deal, as they were in a posh looking Skoda. I know it sounds hard for a Skoda to look posh, but, well, this is Lancaster, and a Skoda is posh for these parts.
I have come to the conclusion that Lancaster is actually (I've just shut the window. And the yapping is gone.) a secret filming set for the new 'Cocoon' film. It must be. There are so many old people. If you don't know what the 'Cocoon' films consisted of, the basic premise was this: Aliens visit earth. Offer to look after old people. They just have to go with the aliens, to a new world. They live for ever, never ageing (maybe). Wrinklies say farewell to loved ones. Fin. If they wanted to make the new film in Lancaster, there would be no shortage of wrinklies. I mean, in Sainsbury's today for example. So many old people. And they were the worst kind of elderly. The slow walking elderly. Who glare at you, when you move their trolley out of the way to get to hayfever tables. They are evil. EVIL.
I also saw who I assumed to be the mayor and the mayoress of Lancaster today. They were in a posh blacked out car with a 3-letter number plate. And the people inside had medallions on, like mayors. So they were either imposters, or actually the mayor and his wife. I'm gonna assume they were the real deal, as they were in a posh looking Skoda. I know it sounds hard for a Skoda to look posh, but, well, this is Lancaster, and a Skoda is posh for these parts.
There is no escape!
I got tagged by a fellow blogger (♥♥♥ The Girl of Make Believe ♥♥♥ to be precise). It's like being on Facebook! Nonetheless, I shall do this. Then I shall blogg.
Eight things I look forward to:
1) Going to Rennes in September.
2) Week 29, when I shall be free, till September.
3) Going to Girona next January.
4) Graduating in 2 and bit years time...
5) Going home.
6) Going out.
7) Katie getting her car.
8) The summer.
Eight things I did yesterday:
1) Slept in til 10.
2) Blogged.
3) Went to the shop for some Relentless.
4) Drank the Relentless.
5) Checked my French essay.
6) Changed my French essay.
7) Checked my Spanish essay.
8) Had a shower at midnight.
Eight things I wish I could do:
1) Fly, not Nathan Petrelli fly. Just hover a bit.
2) Be prudent with my money.
3) Speak English.
4) Speak French.
5) Speak German.
6) Go to Catalunya right now!
7) Travel. For free.
8) Play poker, and be good at it.
Eight shows I watch:
1) IT Crowd.
2) House.
3) Black Books. (I know it's not on any more, but I watch the DVD alot)
4) The Inbetweeners.
5) Heroes.
6) Doctor Who.
7) Graham Norton.
8) Mock the Week.
I need to tag people now. But I only know the person who tagged me, Samantha, and Jude.
Est-ce que je peux enlever mon veston?
And I can't seem to put Jude's on. So, nosey around for hers. Jude, you've been tagged! Lol.
Eight things I look forward to:
1) Going to Rennes in September.
2) Week 29, when I shall be free, till September.
3) Going to Girona next January.
4) Graduating in 2 and bit years time...
5) Going home.
6) Going out.
7) Katie getting her car.
8) The summer.
Eight things I did yesterday:
1) Slept in til 10.
2) Blogged.
3) Went to the shop for some Relentless.
4) Drank the Relentless.
5) Checked my French essay.
6) Changed my French essay.
7) Checked my Spanish essay.
8) Had a shower at midnight.
Eight things I wish I could do:
1) Fly, not Nathan Petrelli fly. Just hover a bit.
2) Be prudent with my money.
3) Speak English.
4) Speak French.
5) Speak German.
6) Go to Catalunya right now!
7) Travel. For free.
8) Play poker, and be good at it.
Eight shows I watch:
1) IT Crowd.
2) House.
3) Black Books. (I know it's not on any more, but I watch the DVD alot)
4) The Inbetweeners.
5) Heroes.
6) Doctor Who.
7) Graham Norton.
8) Mock the Week.
I need to tag people now. But I only know the person who tagged me, Samantha, and Jude.
Est-ce que je peux enlever mon veston?
And I can't seem to put Jude's on. So, nosey around for hers. Jude, you've been tagged! Lol.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Do YOU ibid?
Well, at present I am procrastinating. I am trying to cut 150 words (it was 200) out of my french essay. I dunno how good or bad it is. But what it is is 150 words over the absolute limit. Bugger. I have a can of Relentless, and am currently missing 'The Inbetweeners' on E4+1. I am not impressed. I've not even started to check my Spanish 'portfolio' essay. *sighs* Noah and the Whale will get me through this.
We're better, connected.
This is of course the crafty slogan of O2. And, my new phone network. I have gone onto O2, for, je ne sais quoi. It seems okay at present. They keep sending me texts telling me this, that and the other. And every time I send a text, I get one back telling me how much I've spent. I don't mind knowing, just not after every frigging text.
My hair has settled down now. As soon as I can be bothered, I shall put a picature on. I also bought mikado yesterday. The most awesome things ever. They remind me of school trips to France, and subsequent French hypermarchés (normally carrefour) in which any bags we brought in with us were sealed shut, so we couldn't smuggle stuff out (I think). However, they just aren't the same here. There's something different about them. Something... not French.
Back to my fire engine rant. I noticed yesterday that the ORANGE fire engines don't have FIRE written backwards on them. It seems fire engines here trust people to know what the flashing lights mean. However, this does not account for the fact that people won't recognise what kind of emergency vehicle is following them, as it is orange and not red, like Fireman Sam's.
Time for luncheon!
My hair has settled down now. As soon as I can be bothered, I shall put a picature on. I also bought mikado yesterday. The most awesome things ever. They remind me of school trips to France, and subsequent French hypermarchés (normally carrefour) in which any bags we brought in with us were sealed shut, so we couldn't smuggle stuff out (I think). However, they just aren't the same here. There's something different about them. Something... not French.
Back to my fire engine rant. I noticed yesterday that the ORANGE fire engines don't have FIRE written backwards on them. It seems fire engines here trust people to know what the flashing lights mean. However, this does not account for the fact that people won't recognise what kind of emergency vehicle is following them, as it is orange and not red, like Fireman Sam's.
Time for luncheon!
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
"They say we can love if we trot"
Is it just me that thinks that that sentence is quite odd? Even for song lyrics? However, I love the song it is from (In For the Kill, by La Roux), so all is good.
I had an icecream yesterday, as it was sunny. It was yummy. You know what isn't yummy? Sunburn. Sitting on the steps in the square yesterday caused me to sunburn on my arms, and even slightly on my legs. There is slight sting-age when I dried myself today. Not good.
And now I am librarying until my Catalan seminars. I haven't done much work so far, but I hope to. Maybe. I want to finish this work. But I fear it will not happen today. We can live in hope though.
I had an icecream yesterday, as it was sunny. It was yummy. You know what isn't yummy? Sunburn. Sitting on the steps in the square yesterday caused me to sunburn on my arms, and even slightly on my legs. There is slight sting-age when I dried myself today. Not good.
And now I am librarying until my Catalan seminars. I haven't done much work so far, but I hope to. Maybe. I want to finish this work. But I fear it will not happen today. We can live in hope though.
Monday, 20 April 2009
Well, today is Lancaster's 3rd, or maybe 4th (I don't know how much sun there was before I returned). It is odd. I have ventured out of the house in shorts, 3 days in a row. And a t-shirt. No jacket (except for evening ventures). It is most disturbing to myself. Also disturbing is the reaction I am getting to my hair. These have ranged from "I didn't recognise you there!" (Not the fake elderly relative reaction, the real deal) to "Aaaaargh! Who the hell are you?! Oh, it's just you Martin. Phew." to "Oooh look. It is Martin, sans hair." Molt extrany. I cannot complain, my head feels much better. ("that looks like martin, but he has no hair and is bright yellow." was another response)
Today, apart from the excitement of wearing shorts, I sorted out many things. I paid my rent. I had my photo taken (£4!!!! Robbing bastards!). I went to see Ange (who thought I was some randomer, until she realised "oh. you've had your hair cut), who I taught how to say McGeoghan (M'gaygan). I found out the address of my local LEA to send off my handwritten application. And then had luncheon in Bowland Quad (in the sun, no less). It was pleasant, and I shall return there before Catalan to have a pint of Strongbow (not nasty beer or lager [I really don't know the difference, I just know they're equally icky]) . I also posted my application to Rennes II!! I'm so excited! And summery! And excited!!
Today, apart from the excitement of wearing shorts, I sorted out many things. I paid my rent. I had my photo taken (£4!!!! Robbing bastards!). I went to see Ange (who thought I was some randomer, until she realised "oh. you've had your hair cut), who I taught how to say McGeoghan (M'gaygan). I found out the address of my local LEA to send off my handwritten application. And then had luncheon in Bowland Quad (in the sun, no less). It was pleasant, and I shall return there before Catalan to have a pint of Strongbow (not nasty beer or lager [I really don't know the difference, I just know they're equally icky]) . I also posted my application to Rennes II!! I'm so excited! And summery! And excited!!
Saturday, 18 April 2009
On és el meu cabell?
Well, I am not with alot less hair. I feel quite 90s. I almost have curtains. But it is not bad. But I now have wine, so all is good. Also, I forgot what I was going to say. Family Guy time now. That is all.
Tengo miedo...
Well, here I am. Once again stealing Katie's Internet and laptop (still no sign of the laptop cable!) I have so much fear. I (foolishly) agreed to let Katie sort my hair out. Well, she says I asked. But she lies. (I do not lie, interjects Katie). She has an array of combs, none of which will be able to handle the thickness of my hair, and an array of scissors also. And a tiny tiny squirty bottle to put something in. As a child I assumed it was gel, or something odd like 'barbicide' (I still don't know what that is), but Katie assures me it is just water, to keep my hair damp whilst cutting it. So long as it doesn't eat through my scalp, I shall have no complaints. The brief I gave her was "make me look less like a member of the Supremes" (60s girl-group for those not in the know, Diana Ross etc). I hope this happens.
I also today ended up in the bibliotheque, as I erm... I forget why, but I ended up trying to sort out my student loans for next year. The internet site did not work, AGAIN, so I printed off the paper form, and shortly after wished that I had not. British bureaucracy is almost as bad as French. A very, very close second. I then realised that I lacked a black pen, so had to go to the Post Office (which was shut so I settled on the paper shop) and purchase one plus some envelopes to send the form off in, as well as my forms for Rennes.
Britain's Got Talent is on later :D
I also today ended up in the bibliotheque, as I erm... I forget why, but I ended up trying to sort out my student loans for next year. The internet site did not work, AGAIN, so I printed off the paper form, and shortly after wished that I had not. British bureaucracy is almost as bad as French. A very, very close second. I then realised that I lacked a black pen, so had to go to the Post Office (which was shut so I settled on the paper shop) and purchase one plus some envelopes to send the form off in, as well as my forms for Rennes.
Britain's Got Talent is on later :D
Friday, 17 April 2009
I'm talking to the floor.
Well, today has been eventful. The father (pronounced with a shorter vowel sound than in Fahther) dropped me off at the station (Leeds to be precise) and I then proceeded to get the train to Preston and then to Lancastria... I was firstly surprised by how cheap my ticket was (with a railcard, mind)...
*arghhhhhh student loans people still doesn't work!!*
So, yes, I boarded the train, and managed to find a seat. Naturally, it had less leg room than a RyanAir flight, so I spread out. It was weird catching a train in bright sunshine. I could see things. Like the giant phallus on a hill in Sowerby Bridge. Yet I saw no bridge. Nor in Hebden Bridge either. False Advertising is what it's called. Think of the poor people who go to Hebden Bridge each year expecting to see it's famous bridge, and who see nothing. Also, I passed through a place called 'Mytholmroyd'. It looked Welsh. I was confused. Also, when we stopped at Blackburn. It has an oddly large train station. I thought this odd, until I saw the masses of people fighting their way to get on my train, to leave. Well, I say masses, but there was quite a few people. And, who can blame them?!
My laptop cable has not arrived, so I am consequently using Katie laptop at her house. Today's blogg title is a homage (not hommage as previously thought) to Katie shouting at the floor she was cleaning...
*arghhhhhh student loans people still doesn't work!!*
So, yes, I boarded the train, and managed to find a seat. Naturally, it had less leg room than a RyanAir flight, so I spread out. It was weird catching a train in bright sunshine. I could see things. Like the giant phallus on a hill in Sowerby Bridge. Yet I saw no bridge. Nor in Hebden Bridge either. False Advertising is what it's called. Think of the poor people who go to Hebden Bridge each year expecting to see it's famous bridge, and who see nothing. Also, I passed through a place called 'Mytholmroyd'. It looked Welsh. I was confused. Also, when we stopped at Blackburn. It has an oddly large train station. I thought this odd, until I saw the masses of people fighting their way to get on my train, to leave. Well, I say masses, but there was quite a few people. And, who can blame them?!
My laptop cable has not arrived, so I am consequently using Katie laptop at her house. Today's blogg title is a homage (not hommage as previously thought) to Katie shouting at the floor she was cleaning...
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Well, today a new swearword entered my vocabulary. 'Cock'. Example. "Eugh. Look at that cock in the Audi". "Eugh. Cock in a Merc". "INDICATE!"
I drove to Lancaster today to take my stuff back... Apart from the cocks on the motorway, it was fun. Alas, my new laptop cable has not arrived. But, the phone and utility bills have. It was not good. I went t'Asda, and bought plenty of food. To save further trips to supermarchés for a while. However, this came at a price. £72. 89 to be precise. Never mind, the parents paid for it. Also, I attempted to use the self-service petrol pumps - the kind where you pay at the pump. Could not fathom it out. Really really daft system. Gave up and left.
I'm sure I had more to say...
I drove to Lancaster today to take my stuff back... Apart from the cocks on the motorway, it was fun. Alas, my new laptop cable has not arrived. But, the phone and utility bills have. It was not good. I went t'Asda, and bought plenty of food. To save further trips to supermarchés for a while. However, this came at a price. £72. 89 to be precise. Never mind, the parents paid for it. Also, I attempted to use the self-service petrol pumps - the kind where you pay at the pump. Could not fathom it out. Really really daft system. Gave up and left.
I'm sure I had more to say...
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
I'm gonna smack you in a minute, you know that?!
I absolutely LOVE 'How Clean is your House?'. I stumbled upon it whilst finding something to watch to avoid starting my epic Cross Cultural essay... All about Bréton. I started planning it, then realised I had nothing to argue. Poo. But anyway, I love it. So much cleaning. I also love Bréton. Well, only cos it's in France.
It seems my domestic side has emerged recently. I decided to do all the laundry before the wrinklies return from Paris. Once again, to avoid essaying. (On a similar note, it's my sister's birthday today and the wrinklies are taking her to the Moulin Rouge. Not impressed.)
My epic journey through the world of Star Wars has reached the halfway stage. Episode VI was watched this afternoon. Not quite as good as Episode IV and V, but good nonetheless. I kinda wish I'd watched them in chronological order now, instead of the order they were made. Oh well. Also, why were all of Darth Vader and the Emperor's henchmen English? Again.
I do hope my new laptop cable comes soon. I have a complex system set up to keep the wire at the right tautness to keep it charging. I fear it won't last much longer.
It seems my domestic side has emerged recently. I decided to do all the laundry before the wrinklies return from Paris. Once again, to avoid essaying. (On a similar note, it's my sister's birthday today and the wrinklies are taking her to the Moulin Rouge. Not impressed.)
My epic journey through the world of Star Wars has reached the halfway stage. Episode VI was watched this afternoon. Not quite as good as Episode IV and V, but good nonetheless. I kinda wish I'd watched them in chronological order now, instead of the order they were made. Oh well. Also, why were all of Darth Vader and the Emperor's henchmen English? Again.
I do hope my new laptop cable comes soon. I have a complex system set up to keep the wire at the right tautness to keep it charging. I fear it won't last much longer.
Monday, 13 April 2009
Well, today I finished reading 'Breaking Dawn'. Two days it took my. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. The most I've ever read in such a short space of time. Ever. And, it was a letdown. It was like thinking you did really well on a test, and then getting the result back, to see you had in fact got an average mark, but nowhere near what you expected. It wasn't bad, it just hyped up, and never went anywhere.
Anywho, last night I watched Star Wars: Episode IV last night. First ever time I've seen it. I was impressed. And wanting a Death Star (minus the tiny 2metre hole). Seriously, it was cool, and would be useful... when the revolution comes (which it will). Tonight, I will watch Episode V. :)
Well, upon finishing 'Breaking Dawn', I figured I should get some uni work done. This did not happen immediately. First, I ate. Then, I did some laundry. And finally, I settled down to do some work, before going to take the laundry out and put it on the line to dry (as it's sunny). Then I decided I really should do some work. So I put my iPod on and opened up word. Then it hit me. I cannot write foreign (Spanish in this case) whilst listening to english. I'm sure I've done it before, but apparently not. Oh well. No music whilst I work. I shall return to trabajo at once!
Anywho, last night I watched Star Wars: Episode IV last night. First ever time I've seen it. I was impressed. And wanting a Death Star (minus the tiny 2metre hole). Seriously, it was cool, and would be useful... when the revolution comes (which it will). Tonight, I will watch Episode V. :)
Well, upon finishing 'Breaking Dawn', I figured I should get some uni work done. This did not happen immediately. First, I ate. Then, I did some laundry. And finally, I settled down to do some work, before going to take the laundry out and put it on the line to dry (as it's sunny). Then I decided I really should do some work. So I put my iPod on and opened up word. Then it hit me. I cannot write foreign (Spanish in this case) whilst listening to english. I'm sure I've done it before, but apparently not. Oh well. No music whilst I work. I shall return to trabajo at once!
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Klaus Barbie; sometimes known as 'The Butcher of Lyons'
Well, today, all I have done is read 500 pages of 'Breaking Dawn'. I have surprised myself at how much I thought I could read in a day. And they day isn't even over yet. If I'm honest, I'm a little disappointed. 500 pages, and nothing exceptionally good.
I am currently watching 'Rat Race', one of the most amazing films. Ever. It is so amazingly good. And funny! Just for the scene in the Hitler-mobile.
Easter has been plain. Nothing amazing. I got IT Crowd series 3 instead of eggs. I wanted both. But I made my choice. I have chocolate anyway, so all is good.
I am een ay rayce. I'm weening. I'm weening!
I am currently watching 'Rat Race', one of the most amazing films. Ever. It is so amazingly good. And funny! Just for the scene in the Hitler-mobile.
Easter has been plain. Nothing amazing. I got IT Crowd series 3 instead of eggs. I wanted both. But I made my choice. I have chocolate anyway, so all is good.
I am een ay rayce. I'm weening. I'm weening!
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Alas, indeed! I am currently watching 'Britain's Got Talent', more specifically watching a 40-something Scotch-woman murder, no actually she's not, I wrote that before she opened her mouth, actually singing a song from Les Mis quite nicely. She looked liked one of them crazy people they let on. I actually want to see Les Mis now, partly cos it's French, partly cos it looks like it could be good. Once I've read the book. Once I've acquired the second half of the book...
I do love watching 'Britain's Got Talent'. Nowhere else would you see a man try to beat the world record for eating Ferrero Rochers within a minute (7 is the record apparently), only to be beaten by Ant (or maybe Dec, I can never tell...) who ate 5, while the man ate 4.
Doctor Who was also on. Loved it! Flying buses? Metal stingrays? Flymen? Only on Doctor Who!
Finished 'Eclipse' today. Much more in tune with the first Twilight book. Mucho más mejor!
Skellig? I'm glad I don't have Sky. I don't want to experience the letdown.
I do love watching 'Britain's Got Talent'. Nowhere else would you see a man try to beat the world record for eating Ferrero Rochers within a minute (7 is the record apparently), only to be beaten by Ant (or maybe Dec, I can never tell...) who ate 5, while the man ate 4.
Doctor Who was also on. Loved it! Flying buses? Metal stingrays? Flymen? Only on Doctor Who!
Finished 'Eclipse' today. Much more in tune with the first Twilight book. Mucho más mejor!
Skellig? I'm glad I don't have Sky. I don't want to experience the letdown.
Friday, 10 April 2009
Well, it seems I've hit some sort of 'creative block' regarding my blogg. Even though, it's barely creative...
Today I watched the most awesomest episode of Doctor Who ever. Well, it's a bit poor at the end. Well, actually, just before the end. But it has Daleks shouting in German. The polite imperative apparently...Would they should 'EXTERMINEZ!!' if they were in France (or Québec or various African countries), or 'EXTERMINE!!' if they were in Spain, or most of Latin America (except Guyane Francaise [EXTERMINEZ!! again], Suriname [I don't know the Dutch for EXTERMINATE, but I assume it's like EXTERMINIREN], plain old Guyana [with their cries of EXTERMINATE] and the black sheep of the continent, Brazil [Something daft like EXTERMINAO most likely])? Noone knows... Doctor Who put the most evil Doctor Who monsters in Germany. Perhaps in an ironic twist?
Wow. I managed to get alot out of that didn't I? *Pride*
Yeshterday, or maybe the day before, I finished 'The Man in the High Castle'. Can't beat a bit of alt-hist-lit. God, I'm a geek. I have now moved onto 'Eclipse', the third book of the Twilight series. Much better than 'New Moon'. *winces at the pain of all the angst*.
Today I watched the most awesomest episode of Doctor Who ever. Well, it's a bit poor at the end. Well, actually, just before the end. But it has Daleks shouting in German. The polite imperative apparently...Would they should 'EXTERMINEZ!!' if they were in France (or Québec or various African countries), or 'EXTERMINE!!' if they were in Spain, or most of Latin America (except Guyane Francaise [EXTERMINEZ!! again], Suriname [I don't know the Dutch for EXTERMINATE, but I assume it's like EXTERMINIREN], plain old Guyana [with their cries of EXTERMINATE] and the black sheep of the continent, Brazil [Something daft like EXTERMINAO most likely])? Noone knows... Doctor Who put the most evil Doctor Who monsters in Germany. Perhaps in an ironic twist?
Wow. I managed to get alot out of that didn't I? *Pride*
Yeshterday, or maybe the day before, I finished 'The Man in the High Castle'. Can't beat a bit of alt-hist-lit. God, I'm a geek. I have now moved onto 'Eclipse', the third book of the Twilight series. Much better than 'New Moon'. *winces at the pain of all the angst*.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Rescue Shelter Boys?
Apparently, PETA, the crazy animal nutters (the ones who if they had their way, would rather starving Africans not eat what they can find if it's meat, cos it's 'cruel'), wrote to the Pet Shop Boys asking them to change their name to the Rescue Shelter Boys.
I went to White Rose earlier. Or, chavtopia as it's otherwise known. So many people who are actually luminous. I bought yum yums :) andddd managed to park really close to the entrance :) Jeremy Kyle is so lols. "I di'nt do nuffing". Gah, I hate people who use double negatives.
I went to White Rose earlier. Or, chavtopia as it's otherwise known. So many people who are actually luminous. I bought yum yums :) andddd managed to park really close to the entrance :) Jeremy Kyle is so lols. "I di'nt do nuffing". Gah, I hate people who use double negatives.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
There's bad asbestos, and there's nice asbestos...
What exactly is asbestos? I know it got our local swimming pool knocked down, and relocated at a much more inconvenient location. And, I'm pretty sure its carcinagenic...
*Wikipedia's 'asbestos'*
*Returns 5 minutes later*
wow. so the greeks called it the miracle mineral. it also can give you asbestosis. Canada produces 10% of all that produced in the world, and alongside Kazakhstan and China, they all contribute to 40% of the world's production. Eww. Asbestos warts. Wow. The Romans noticed lung complaints amongst the slaves wearing asbestos cloths. How exciting. It comes from the greek adjective "asbestos" meaning inextinguishable.
Now you know, and indeed, now I know :
Apprentice tonight :)
*Wikipedia's 'asbestos'*
*Returns 5 minutes later*
wow. so the greeks called it the miracle mineral. it also can give you asbestosis. Canada produces 10% of all that produced in the world, and alongside Kazakhstan and China, they all contribute to 40% of the world's production. Eww. Asbestos warts. Wow. The Romans noticed lung complaints amongst the slaves wearing asbestos cloths. How exciting. It comes from the greek adjective "asbestos" meaning inextinguishable.
Now you know, and indeed, now I know :
Apprentice tonight :)
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Okay, so you're a rocket scientist.
Apparently isn't good enough for Shania Twain. Neither is being Brad Pitt, and a man with a car. Christ, women are picky. Well, Shania Twain is.
I only bring this up, as it was on the radio (*to the tune of the jungle* BBC Radio Twooooo to be precise) on the way back from the Lington of Brid. Or Bridlington to normal people. Oh my, it's dire. So many chavs... It was nice to see barely anything had changed, at all. But I had a lemon-top, and got to feel about 6, so it was good.
Ayer, fui al cine. Well, not just the kino, we went to Nando's before, which was pleasant, if overpriced, and late. Then Rachel got us into the kino for freeeee, and got us free nibbles, despite a trip t'Asda for sweeties. We were very lucky we got in free, as we ended up going to see 'Lesbian Vampire Killers'. Again. God, I hate James Corden. He's just annoying. And barely funny. So glad I didn't pay to see it.
Today is now Wednesday, so all of the above was written yesterday, Tuesday. So far today, I have played on RockBand, and murdered several songs. But, it was good. And I'm watching 'Feast'. Another horror. It's not bad, but it's not good either. I'm a harsh critic. Maybe 'Knowing' wasn't so bad...
I only bring this up, as it was on the radio (*to the tune of the jungle* BBC Radio Twooooo to be precise) on the way back from the Lington of Brid. Or Bridlington to normal people. Oh my, it's dire. So many chavs... It was nice to see barely anything had changed, at all. But I had a lemon-top, and got to feel about 6, so it was good.
Ayer, fui al cine. Well, not just the kino, we went to Nando's before, which was pleasant, if overpriced, and late. Then Rachel got us into the kino for freeeee, and got us free nibbles, despite a trip t'Asda for sweeties. We were very lucky we got in free, as we ended up going to see 'Lesbian Vampire Killers'. Again. God, I hate James Corden. He's just annoying. And barely funny. So glad I didn't pay to see it.
Today is now Wednesday, so all of the above was written yesterday, Tuesday. So far today, I have played on RockBand, and murdered several songs. But, it was good. And I'm watching 'Feast'. Another horror. It's not bad, but it's not good either. I'm a harsh critic. Maybe 'Knowing' wasn't so bad...
Monday, 6 April 2009
Oh Britney. Where did it all go wrong? Well, with my non-educated mind, I can make a non-educated guess that it was when she started doing crazy stuff like shaving her head... But at least she didn't hold a child over a balcony, unlike certain music legends...
I'm not saying Britneys bad, I actually like her new stuff, she's just crazy. Despite her best efforts.
Shortly, I am going to the mystical place known as 'Xscape' (pronounced Ex-Scape or S-cape depending on who you are - I personally like to flit between the two). When it first opened (back in year 10 I think - 2004 maybe - Eeep! I'm so old!) we, the old group, spent every weekend there : Freeport (A lame 'designer shopping outlet. Now "Junction 32", but still Freeport to those who remember it), Starbucks, Kino, maybe bowling, and all topped off with Pizza Hut (until we discovered Ma Potters and Nandos - but these weren't until many years later). Oh it was fun.
I hope we go to Nando's tonight :
I'm not saying Britneys bad, I actually like her new stuff, she's just crazy. Despite her best efforts.
Shortly, I am going to the mystical place known as 'Xscape' (pronounced Ex-Scape or S-cape depending on who you are - I personally like to flit between the two). When it first opened (back in year 10 I think - 2004 maybe - Eeep! I'm so old!) we, the old group, spent every weekend there : Freeport (A lame 'designer shopping outlet. Now "Junction 32", but still Freeport to those who remember it), Starbucks, Kino, maybe bowling, and all topped off with Pizza Hut (until we discovered Ma Potters and Nandos - but these weren't until many years later). Oh it was fun.
I hope we go to Nando's tonight :
SOME people like to indicate...
How long has indicating been optional? I mean they come as standard in cars - they're not optional extras, so why do some people thing "Ahhh I don't need to indicate... they all know where I'm going". Seriously?! We don't. Idiots.
Petrol is creeping up again...
Petrol is creeping up again...
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Que pasa, eh?
Well, last night, an impromtu trip was made to the kino. We went to see 'The Haunting in Connecticut' (pronounced 'Conneticut' cos America are special...). Well, I say see, I spent a great deal of the film with my hand infront of my eyes (I felt too cowardly actually shutting my eyes), so naturally missed several key plot points. It annoyed me how at the star of the film, and I'm pretty sure I've made this rant before, it says 'Based on a true story'. Lies! Ghosts DO NOT EXIST! Jesus, talk about dumb. Long story short, the kid is crazy, and faking (pretty darn good faking, even the doctors believe him) cancer. He goes crazy, burns down the house, and his cancer goes. Even if he had cancer, smoke/fire would not cure it. Bull.
Today I tidied my room, to avoid doing work. But, no I am finished tidying, so I fear I may actually have to do some work. Bad times. IKEA bag anyone?
Today I tidied my room, to avoid doing work. But, no I am finished tidying, so I fear I may actually have to do some work. Bad times. IKEA bag anyone?
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Oh no, they didn't!
Alas, they did. They made Grease 2. *weeps* It's just so terrible, and I'm only 3 minutes into it. What on earth possessed them to make a sequel?! Smoking is just not cool either. This song has not ended... And Sandy (who was Australian)'s English cousin has turned up at the school... So disjointed. Poor quality.
I don't understand the point in musicals. How likely is it that everyone is going to break out into the SAME song and the SAME dance at the SAME time?! Having said this, you can't beat a good cheesy musical...
I don't understand the point in musicals. How likely is it that everyone is going to break out into the SAME song and the SAME dance at the SAME time?! Having said this, you can't beat a good cheesy musical...
Friday, 3 April 2009
Unnecessarily Complicated Application System
Or UCAS to those not in the know. Today, so far anyway, I have been sorting through the marvellous French bureaucracy surrounding Rennes II for applying for my year abroad. Fill in this form, if I don't make it a PDF and just print screen it, my application will be refused. To quote: "Warning : You absolutely need to obtain a PDF document. If you only print a screen
copy, and not the PDF document, your registration will be refused !" I need to get a doctor to sign a form saying I most definitely don't have TB, Hep B, Tetatnus and anything else contagious, as well as saying I'm able to partake in sport. I somehow don't see me passing that one, unless I get the Catalan doctor at my surgery and say something in Catalan. This could backfire and she may refuse on the grounds that I murdered her beloved language.
I am currently watching 'Hellraiser'. Christ the 80s were dire. Special effects, poor. Plot, better than poor, but barely average. Not advisable.
Must... do... work...
copy, and not the PDF document, your registration will be refused !" I need to get a doctor to sign a form saying I most definitely don't have TB, Hep B, Tetatnus and anything else contagious, as well as saying I'm able to partake in sport. I somehow don't see me passing that one, unless I get the Catalan doctor at my surgery and say something in Catalan. This could backfire and she may refuse on the grounds that I murdered her beloved language.
I am currently watching 'Hellraiser'. Christ the 80s were dire. Special effects, poor. Plot, better than poor, but barely average. Not advisable.
Must... do... work...
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Que estas fent ara mateix?
For the unlearned (the 'ed' part being pronounced as a separate syllable) amongst you, that means 'What are you doing right now?' It's Catalan, my current favourite language.
Today I went to 'Pugneys'. The most exotic fake lake around. It even has a tiny, tiny railway which we followed into the woods, only to be disappointed to see it just turned back on itself. Gutted.
Another fruitless day. Tomorrow will involve much work. Honestly.
Today I went to 'Pugneys'. The most exotic fake lake around. It even has a tiny, tiny railway which we followed into the woods, only to be disappointed to see it just turned back on itself. Gutted.
Another fruitless day. Tomorrow will involve much work. Honestly.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Don't take me for a prune!
Well, today the grandfather came over, or 'Grampi' as I like to call him... Not alot happened really... I tried to make brownies. 'Tried' being the key word in that sentence. It failed miserably. I was not impressed. Just like the people on The Apprentice right now. God it's bad. Painful memories of Barnes. "They won't care" is always wrong. The customer ALWAYS cares. Priceless.
I went to Rosie's dance lesson today, and sat in. This resulted in the mother quizzing me, asking me "Why haven't you taken it up again, Martin?", which further resulted in someone asking me to do a "pas de basque", which i executed gracefully, as per.
Tomorrow, I have the dentist. Je ne suis pas content. :(
I went to Rosie's dance lesson today, and sat in. This resulted in the mother quizzing me, asking me "Why haven't you taken it up again, Martin?", which further resulted in someone asking me to do a "pas de basque", which i executed gracefully, as per.
Tomorrow, I have the dentist. Je ne suis pas content. :(
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