Why do you hate us so, DELC?
Well, I was going to blogg about how I saw two policecars and a policevan whizz by my bus stop this morning, only to end up at what looked like a robbing in Scotforth. It looked quite dull.
This was until I opened the LUVLE (Lancaster University Virtual Learning Environment, maybe), and discovered the topics for our French oral 'assignment' (It's a coursework, not an exam... apparently. Despite it being a one-on-one with the EVIL lectrice, in her office). Seriously, I actually think they want us to fail. It was like opening an exam to learn that everything that you bothered to revise, is useless, as none of the questions are on that topic. Below are the questions. Perhaps with translations:
1. Qu’est-ce qu’un Français ? (What is a French?)
2. L’enseignement ne dure que quelques années ; l’éducation ne
finit jamais. (Teaching only lasts a few years; education never ends.)
3. La crise financière a été un appel à la réalité. (The financial crisis was a call to/from reality. - Allo? Réalité?- )
4. Le régime n’est pas une question de santé, c’est une question de mode. (Diets aren't a question of health, they're a question of style.)
5. La valeur d’un footballeur ou d’une chanteuse contre celle d’un médecin ou d’un enseignant? (The value of a footballer or a singer against that of a doctor or teacher? -That's not even a question. Stupid DELC.)
6. La religion : origine des malheurs du monde. (Religion: origin of bad times in the World)
7. « Il ne vaut plus la peine d’aller au théâtre, au cinéma ou à un
concert. On peut bien rester chez soi avec ses DVDs et CDs » (It's not worth going to the theatre, cinema or a concert. You can stay at home with your DVDs and CDs)
8. Tout est pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes possibles. (Mystery Question.)
So, now you know, just how harsh DELC are. I'm drawn to number 7 and number 1. But I'm being marked by a French, so maybe she will mark me down if I don't get it right.
My revision will now be sidetracked while I prepare for Frog.
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