Monday, 6 July 2009

Ya gotta squeeze ev'ry penny...

When did American stop speaking recognisable English? I mean, take for example today's blogg title: when did "ya" replace "you"; when did "gotta" replace "have to"; and when did America start using pennies? At least let us keep our precious pennies.

Recently I've not been up to much... My level of poverty has become so great that I have finally got round to putting my bags of money into the bank. Silly
Natwest thought it a good idea to give me a credit card too. Morons. I have become my mother's taxi. Taxiing her to everywhere. The hairdressers/nail salon mainly. And her 'friends'.

I have lacked the urge to blogg recently. I don't know why. I still lack a job, so my day generally involves nothing. Watching 'Teachers' on DVD. It started off quite poor, but it improves. And is most humourous. I am also reading "The Long Walk" by a Polish man who escaped a Soviet labour camp. It's surprisingly good. I'm only reading it because Grampi told me to read it.

Yesterday was Michael Jackson's 'memorial service'. I won't lie: it was boring. Just people saying generically nice things, not mentioning the whole kiddy-fiddling incident (except one woman who reminded everyone of the whole 'innocent until proven guilty' thing). There was the odd song. It was most odd. Apparently they are introducing a bill to make him live forever. Or something like that. I just remember the woman going "for ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever."

In other news, Rennes have finally updated me on the 'accomodation' issue. It seems I shall not be homeless in Rennes. I will however, lack a 'chambre rénovée' and will be in a normal €127/month room, which is 3x3 big. I don't even know how big that is. I did some research and apparently my 'building' has access to a 'laverie' (laundrette) and a vending machine, amongst other amazing things. So, it seems that '5 Rue du Maine' will be my new home as of September. :) Je suis excited :)

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