Saturday, 15 August 2009

"No matter where I are, they say 'Hey, sexy'"

Oh, where to begin.

Recent points of irritation:

#1. The Sugababes.
#2. Get Sexy. [See above]
#3. Poor grammar. [See #2/title]
#4. Traffic lights.
#5. Jamie Oliver. [Constant]
#6. Railway crossings.
#7. Stavros Flatley
#8. Work.
#9. Next door.
#10. Next door's builders.
#11. The elderly.
#12. Chavs.
#13. Big Brother. [merely for existing]
#14. Primark.
#15. Parking.
#16. The Punto.
#17. The phone.

I feel I should stop now.


  1. No matter where I are... Honestly - it's enough to make you weep!

  2. mate i like your style!
