Saturday, 15 August 2009

"Y a une capote de protection quand même! lol"

Here are a few things that are currently concerning/troubling me:

#1. The prospect of living in a foreign country, on my own, until Christmas.

#2. The prospect of being regarded as a foreigner in said foreign country.

#3. Swine flu.

#4. SARS. I just don't think we gave it enough attention!

#5. The prospect of a swine flu vaccination become globally available when I'm in France, and me not being able to have it, because I am not French.

#6. David Cameron.

#7. David Cameron winning the next election.

#8. Tuition fees rising.

#9. The problem of where to live in my final year at Lancaster.

#10. The attitude of the French towards their gardens. "An englishmans home is his castle", this clearly includes the garden. A frenchmans home must therefore be his toilet. I have witnessed a man urinating in his own garden through a friend being tagged in the same album on Facebook. Disgusted.

#11. The same album (mentioned above) also contains one frenchman being anally penetrated by another frenchman with a giant whiskey bottle. Technically the whiskey bottle is doing the anal penetration. But, this is not the point. "There's even a condom! lol". This is what today's blogg title is.

#12. My lack of Euros.

#13. My independence on my year abroad.

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