Friday 24 July 2009

Why would I want to get into Dame Judi Dench's pants?!

Well, things have been uneventful of late. Again. Having said that, I have sent off 3 old phones to, so that they send me some monies back. Admittedly, it'll only be about £50, but still, that's £50 more than I have.

On Friday, my sister and I did something most odd. We baked together. Well, I baked more, but she did stuff. Like cutting the butter into cubes, and putting the flour away. We made scones and then we made cornflake buns with sultanas in. I've not had a cornflake bun yet, but the scones are actually delicious.

Tomorrow involves an epic trek to London and back, well to Ruislip to be precise, to see my gran. Mum thinks my gran doesn't have long left (she is 93!), and as such we should all go visit her. I'm not complaining, I'm just preparing for the "oooh look at that fat!" from her. Ahh, the elderly.


  1. Explain the title!

    I used to date a guy in Ruislip - urgh (to him, not the place lol). Bless your gran, they definitely tell it how it is!

  2. It's a quote from Green Wing. I was gonna explain it when I started blogging, but forgot... 3 days later. Lol.

  3. Lol, I was reading your post waiting for an explanation! Muppet :P
