Well, these past few days have been a bit hit and miss. I really haven't been that bothered to blog lately. As such, you're gonna be lucky if you get one every other day.
On tuesday it was the anniversary of Jessica's day of birth. She turned the big 20, joining the rest of us. As one would expect, we all went to the park dressed up at 3pm. I had been attacked with some facepaint and had become a cat, koala, panda and finally a skeleton. Infact, I was a Mexican skeleton. It was most pleasant. We played ball-in-a-cup (Mexico's favourite toy for over 340 years!) and "bunnies" and wink-murder. Me and ruth were killed off more than everyone else. Not amused.
Wednesday involved returning to Leeds to meet Laura, who I've not seen in a while. It involved a trip to Primark, in which I bought many things. Bugger. Then, as it was raining and Primark had given me only a paper bag, I had to purchase a rucksack in which to put my purchases from Primark. Then, of course, it stopped raining.
Today was equally nothingy, as it merely involved a trip to campus (which lasted no more than 10minutes) for LUSU housing to write down our estimated usage, according to our bills. I'm pretty sure they wrote it off the wrong bill. Idiots.
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