Well, it is day three of my Italian course, and still the love hasn't died. We're doing grammar and all sorts, so it's keeping me happy :) The numbers are slowly dwindling, as one dropped out last Saturday, and now one hasn't turned up today because they are ill. Another one isn't coming back tomorrow, so that will leave us with 4, if the one who didn't turn up today, doesn't turn up again tomorrow.
Well, in other news, I went to Manchester yesterday, with Lauren. It was the biggest shock of my life. Like Durham. I spent the day going "I cannot believe how NICE it is here!" We paid £18 for 2 mains and 2 puddings, plus unlimited drinks in Frankie and Benny's, and £3 in "Urbis" to go into an exhibition about video games, in which we got to play on video games! It was an actual steal! Then, in "Urbis" we also saw some Modern Art. I'll be honest, it was fucking weird. But, it was free. So all is good. Having said that, we also saw some amazing art, which was photos from obscure places around Manchester: of the sewers, from a balcony etc. Just really awesome. The wheel was also quite good. Considering. Primark = actually huge! There could have been a nuclear war whilst we were inside, and we'd have been nonethewiser. Having said that, people who reserve seats on trains ruined the day. And a small child who came round Costa Coffee, an actual inside begger, begging for money. I didn't feel bad that I turned her away, cos I thought her rude. They do it abroad, but I was just shocked to see it happen in my own country.
I went on a rather impromptu campus bar crawl last night. Mainly for the badges. I got them all. Sono cool.
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