Wednesday 3 June 2009

What the hell?!

Well, yesterday, me and Katie went to the beach, again. We purchased a barbecue and a knife (something Katie needed ID for cos she didn't look 24...). It was most fun. Until we ventured out to the sea. The tide was out. Like, really far out. So we ventured towards it, abandoning our stuff. After finally getting past the rocks and shit, we got out to the boggy sand. Which was a bit like mud, and very sinky. It hurt the arches of my feets. Once I got the sea, I thought I'd put my flip flops back on. I regretted it as soon as I put them in the sea. I nearly lost them! To some minging black tar thing. Needless to say, I shan't be venturing out that far again. Ever. Aside from that, I tanned, so all is good.

Today, I have been revising since 9, with Becca and Charlotte, ready for my final exam today! Well, final until resits no doubt. And then I am returning to the Shire for the weekend, as it is my Grandad's 80th birthday. We are going for a meal to an Italian restaurant, I think, plus on Friday I get to go to the cinema (not for my Grandad's 80th). So all is good.

Anywho, wish me luck!

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