Monday, 18 May 2009


I am these things, according to a quiz on Facebook. I say quiz. It simply involved clicking which month you were born in. These are January traits.

Ambitious and serious - I suppose
Loves to teach and be taught - Little bit.
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses - Hah. Yes.
Likes to criticize - Duh.
Hardworking and productive - Varies
Smart, neat and organized - Neat and Organised = YES!
Sensitive and has deep thoughts - Sometimes
Knows how to make others happy - I do?
Quiet unless excited or tensed - Perhaps
Rather reserved - Maybe?
Highly attentive - Have they ever sat through a Zaddy seminar? You cannot be attentive in them...
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds - YES!
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love - yes?
Loves children - NO!
Homely person - I prefer the term 'domestic'
Needs to improve social abilities - Yes.
Easily jealous - Yep.

1 comment:

  1. Ah this will apply to me too then as I'm a Jan baby too.
    The quiet thing I totally disagree with, I'm hardly ever quiet lol. The rest certainly sound like me though! Then again I bet if you said you were born in June or another month (I don't know why I picked June), most of the results would apply to. We're all unique! Lol
