Friday, 15 May 2009

He's got chips in his pocket!!

Well, what has been happening since the last time I blogged? Not alot is the short answer. I had my Catalan exam yesterday, all 3h15 of it, even though I was finished after 2 hours. It wasn't bad, althought apparently Catalan don't like to spell things how they say them. Great (!)

[Minutes pass. Eurovision interupts.]

I'm not watching it on the telly, I'm youtube-ing the songs I liked. Cos I'm that cool. I really love Eurovision. It's so tacky, and we never win, but I have been watching the semi-finals. I like to see who is going to beat us.

What else has happened? Erm... I had my French speaking this morning. Was okay, surprisingly. I rang Orange to set up my account again. After speaking to a lovely man in Bombay, and being interluded by Circus and Human by Britney Spears and The Killers respectively, I managed to set up £15 a month with unlimited texts. I'm content. Bye bye O2! And then I went to look at somewhere to live in my final year. It was amazing. Everything I wanted. But. I just didn't feel it. Maybe It'll grow on me the more I think about it. Maybe.

I also want a travelator like Greece's Eurovision entry has.

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