Saturday, 9 May 2009

Can I go to the toilet please?

[Well, today was a bit non-descript. I went to the library nice and early, and settled in, deep in the heart of the place, near Russian, French and English Lit. There were windows, so it wasn't all bad. Plus, Lauren turned up, so I wasn't busy despairing alone. ] I blogged that the other day, then got bored and gave up.

Today, I had my first exam of the year. Proper exam, not class test. In the great hall, with clocks and everything. I was number 26. 6 years older than myself. 2 hours is a long time. Well, this is what you think before, when you're outside, fighting your way past the rabble of English Lit. students who want their numbers. We won in the end. We all got ours, and they were still coming in late after we were well seated. Then a man suddenly announced "It's twenty to. Start." I expected our instructions to be read out or something. This was not the case. Despite all this kerfuffle, the exam paper wasn't actually too bad. It was nicer than I expected, and I wrote things. Then, about half an hour into it, I was hit by an urge to pee. I figured "it'll pass! and I'll wait til the end". This was not the case. I found myself one of many people who had made the decision to go for a pee, escorted. It felt weird. I thought it would clear my mind, and make me work better. It did not. The urge to pee was replaced by singing in my head. The Spanish eurovision entry I believe.

But all is good. I am now free of the Roland and Zaddy forever. Or at least until resit time.

Also: Happy 100th blogg to me!

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