Saturday, 23 May 2009

Make. It. Stop.

Today, I have done 3 hours of solid revision for my Euro200 module. It is just so boring. I have made a list (4 pages long, no less) of terms to look up, or "unknowns" as I have called them. I am currently on term 5 of about 30. It is so boring. Never again will I have a need to know that Social Market Economy in German is Soziale Markwirtschaft. Tonight is Britain's Got Talent and Domino's time. Thankfully. I hope Katie has wine for us to drink, whilst we most definitely do not discuss the text.

My sock also returned. I am content.

1 comment:

  1. Woop BGT :P they should just do endless audition shows. It's boring when they get onto the live bits - I like laughing at the rubbish ones not listening/watching the ones with actual talent lol.
    Have a great night
