Friday, 1 May 2009

"I'm sick of this dress, and these Jimmy Choo's"

I actually really, REALLY, hate this song. Apart from the fact that it is shit, it will now hold a very special place of hatred in my heart, for it was the song that was on the radio as the dentist gave me my first fillings today. Surprisingly the giant metal needle (it really was huge) didn't hurt that much. Just like a normal injection. It must just be my painful memory of the one I had in the roof of my mouth (or 'pallet' as dentist folk call it). But yes, apart from feeling like my mouth was drooping and I kept slavering out of the side of it for the next couple of hours, all is okay. Apart from the minor twang of pain I'm feeling around that area. Nothing Martini cannot solve.

This brings me onto the topic of my sisters orthodontist. She goes to a different one I went to. It is really weird. All the chairs are in the same room, not facing each other, my sister assures me, and so all the relatives of their children can see other children in pain. It is a poor design. That and 'S Club 7' were playing in the background (Don't Stop Moving, I believe). Sinister, or what? Another thing which made me chuckle there, was that I saw this woman who was the spitting image of Margaret from The Apprentice (You know, the one who came up with the Cassandra analogy). It was odd.

Today, I, oh God, it's terrible just even telling you about it, got the train back from the Shire to Lancastria. It was fine, if a little busy, and then this woman, named Maria, sat next to me. I spent the first 15 minutes of the train journey thinking "oh God, please get off. Stop talking on your phone." Then she stopped talking on her phone. And talked to me. To be fair, I was totally wrong about her, she was a lovely woman who gave me some good advice. Wether I take on her advice is a different matter, but we shall see. I liked her box analogy. We work in boxes, we go home in our little boxes, we live in our little boxes. All about boxes. They work like bubbles, but are boxes, and fit together a bit better.

Well, that is all yogur-readers! Fare well!

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