Sunday, 3 May 2009

Què et passa pel cap?

This is Facebook's Catalan version of the 'What's on your mind?' bit of Facebook. It used to be 'Que estas fent ara mateix?', which I much prefered. Something else I dislike about Catalan Facebook is that it's very rude. It assumes I like being 'tutoyer'd'. For those non-Francophones, this is the informal form of addressing to someone. For those people who think they are clever when they use 'Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?', this uses the polite form, or indeed the 'you plural' form. So they are either asking someone politely to sleep with them, or asking alot of people to have an orgy with them. Anyway, French Facebook asks you everything in the 'vous' form, known as 'to vouvoyer', whilst Catalan asks everything in the Catalan equivalent of the 'tu' form. I just found it quite rude.

Yesterday's happiness waned a bit last night, so I decided to find Eurovision songs. I actually quite like Spain's entry. Mainly because I can understand most of the Spanish. What is concerning me is: 'Quiero clavarte mi cruz', which I think means 'I want to lock you in my cross'. Now, we all assume Spain are quite Catholic, but who knew they were all about the crucifying.

I have taken to eating fruit recently. Recently means, as of yesterday. I purchased some raspberries from ASDA, and some 'Cripps Pink' apples, thinking they were like the nice Pink Ladies, but cheaper. This was a lie. They're not nice, but at the same time, they're edible. So I shall cope. Also not nice from ASDA, Yum Yums. I was let down. They were not as nice as Sainsbury's superior Yum Yums.

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