Saturday 11 April 2009


Alas, indeed! I am currently watching 'Britain's Got Talent', more specifically watching a 40-something Scotch-woman murder, no actually she's not, I wrote that before she opened her mouth, actually singing a song from Les Mis quite nicely. She looked liked one of them crazy people they let on. I actually want to see Les Mis now, partly cos it's French, partly cos it looks like it could be good. Once I've read the book. Once I've acquired the second half of the book...

I do love watching 'Britain's Got Talent'. Nowhere else would you see a man try to beat the world record for eating Ferrero Rochers within a minute (7 is the record apparently), only to be beaten by Ant (or maybe Dec, I can never tell...) who ate 5, while the man ate 4.

Doctor Who was also on. Loved it! Flying buses? Metal stingrays? Flymen? Only on Doctor Who!

Finished 'Eclipse' today. Much more in tune with the first Twilight book. Mucho más mejor!

Skellig? I'm glad I don't have Sky. I don't want to experience the letdown.

1 comment:

  1. It was Ant lol.
    And I was watching it with my bf's parents, when that Scotch woman came on my bf's dad thought it was a man in drag :P I was shocked at how good her voice was, very unexpected! x
