Monday 20 April 2009


Well, today is Lancaster's 3rd, or maybe 4th (I don't know how much sun there was before I returned). It is odd. I have ventured out of the house in shorts, 3 days in a row. And a t-shirt. No jacket (except for evening ventures). It is most disturbing to myself. Also disturbing is the reaction I am getting to my hair. These have ranged from "I didn't recognise you there!" (Not the fake elderly relative reaction, the real deal) to "Aaaaargh! Who the hell are you?! Oh, it's just you Martin. Phew." to "Oooh look. It is Martin, sans hair." Molt extrany. I cannot complain, my head feels much better. ("that looks like martin, but he has no hair and is bright yellow." was another response)

Today, apart from the excitement of wearing shorts, I sorted out many things. I paid my rent. I had my photo taken (£4!!!! Robbing bastards!). I went to see Ange (who thought I was some randomer, until she realised "oh. you've had your hair cut), who I taught how to say McGeoghan (M'gaygan). I found out the address of my local LEA to send off my handwritten application. And then had luncheon in Bowland Quad (in the sun, no less). It was pleasant, and I shall return there before Catalan to have a pint of Strongbow (not nasty beer or lager [I really don't know the difference, I just know they're equally icky]) . I also posted my application to Rennes II!! I'm so excited! And summery! And excited!!



  1. You need to post a pic of your hair, I wanna see it!!!
    I'm considering shorts today but don't wanna scare little children with my milky-white legs lol x

  2. I would, but I have no means of getting any pics onto a computer. Mine still lacks a cable :( Angry emails have been sent.

  3. Ah not good. I shall await the cable and the pic then but I'm not good with this waiting lark! Lol x
